PluS-i: Pluralisation of local urban security production

- interdisciplinary analysis for a context adequate, legitimate, efficient and effective plural policing

Project: research questions and objectives

Pluralisation of local urban security production (PluS-i)

The junior research group Pluralisation of local urban security production – interdisciplinary analysis for a context adequate, legitimate, efficient and effective plural policing (PluS-i) at the Institute of Political Science, University of Münster (WWU), studies the heterogenous development of local security production. By interdisciplinary and multi-perspective research, the research group focuses on plural policing in urban areas in Germany. Plural policing is defined as a publicly perceived form of security production and maintenance by state and local authorities, private security, individuals, organisations and local initiatives. In order to contribute to security in the long run, it is assumed, that plural policing shall be context adequate, legitimate, efficient and effective.

The junior research group PluS-i is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the context of the call “Promotion of young researchers by establishing interdisciplinary competences” in the programme “research for civil security 2012 – 2017” (

Research Questions

Identification of plural policing models

Multi-perspective comparison of different models and developments in plural policing


Research Objectives

Developments and impacts of plural policing

Providing practical information for a future design of plural policing



Field of Research

The production of security in local areas is constantly changing. Since a couple of years this undergoing change is discussed under the term pluralisation which is particularly affecting policing. In the context of PluS-i,  policing means a) patrolling in person and/or b) guarding in person and/or c) visible technical surveillance of public or semi-public spaces as well as measures directly resulting therefrom. Policing refers to the task of maintaining or achieving security and order, regardless of how and by whom security and order are defined.  Plural policing is defined as the coexistent and/or cooperative policing of at least two different distinguishable stakeholders in congruent, overlapping or continuous areas of competences. Nowadays,  plural policing in urban areas is a common phenomenon which can be characterised by the following four observations:

Pluralism of stakeholders


Pluralism of competences


Pluralism of topics


Heterogeneity of pluralism


Research Perspectives

PluS-i follows an interdisciplinary, integrative research approach and combines sociological, political-, economical-, social- and administrative-scientific research questions on plural policing.

Sociology / Social Science


Political Science


Economic Science


Administrative / Social Science


Our Team

The PluS-i junior research group members are representing complementary scientific disciplines ranging from sociology, criminology, political science, social science to economic science. The subject of plural policing is studied in close cooperation with practitioners and their experiences.

Dr. Nathalie Hirschmann

Head of junior research group
PostDoc (Sociology and Criminology)


Dr. Tobias John

Deputy head of junior research group
PostDoc (Political Science)


Frauke Reichl, M. A.

Postgraduate (Social Science)


Sigrid Pehle, M. A.

Postgraduate (Social Science and Criminology)


Dennis Goldig, M. Sc.

Postgraduate (Economic Science)


Jacqueline Garand, B. A.

Student Assistant


Nina Kleen, B. A.

Student Assistant




Cooperation and Associate Partners

The junior research group PluS-i is supported by renown scientists (mentorship, advisory board, partner projects) as well as institutions and organisations from science and practice (associate partners).


Junior Research Group PluS-i
University of Münster
Institute of Political Science
Scharnhorststr. 100
D-48151 Muenster
Room 801-803



Fax: +49-(0)251-83-24378